How to Choose a Quran Tutor ?

There are several factors to consider when choosing an online Qur'an tutor:


Quran Tutor Qualifications

Look for a tutor who is knowledgeable and qualified in Qur'anic studies, with a strong background in Qur'anic recitation and tajweed (rules of Qur'anic pronunciation).


Tutor's Experience

Consider a tutor who has experience teaching the Qur'an online or in a classroom setting. This can be an indication of their effectiveness as a teacher.


Academy Reviews and testimonials

Look for Quran Academy which has positive reviews and testimonials from previous students. This can give you an idea of their teaching style and effectiveness.


Time & Availability

Choosing a trusted Quran Academy gives you a flexible schedule and provides a Quran tutor who is available at a time that works for you.


Teaching style

Consider a tutor who has a teaching style that is compatible with your learning style and goals. For example, if you prefer a more hands-on approach, look for a tutor who offers interactive exercises and activities.


Packages & Cost

Determine your budget and look for a tutor who offers competitive rates.


By considering these factors, you should be able to find an online Quran tutor who is well-suited to your needs and goals.